Our research project “AfroGreek Cultures in Athens:Everyday Politics, Cultural Practices and Popular Culture Amongst Black Women and Teenage Girls in Athens” is carried out under the supervision of Professor Liza Tsaliki with Dr. Despina Chronaki – researcher and Adjunt Lecturer at the Department of Communication and Media Studies/NKUA, and the assistance of Olga Derzioti, PhD candidate in the same Department.

In the project, we expect to offer an exploratory mapping of black women’s and girls’ lived experiences in Greece; the ways in which they engage with Greek everyday life and culture as well as the ways in which their own cultures are performed within this context. Findings about sexuality, religion, family, self-regulation, technology, popular culture are expected to provide the first socio-cultural charting of black womanhood and girlhood in Greece, working with Black people’s lived experiences. Through this work, we expect to enhance our understanding of issues pertaining to rights, equality and citizenship in Greece.

For more information, please visit: https://afrogreekcultures.wordpress.com/