Color Analysis
Color Theory
To understand seasonal color analysis, we need to understand the three aspects or dimensions of color first. They are: I. Hue & temperature (undertone) The hue defines the color family of an object, or what color it is – green, purple, orange etc. Although not universally agreed upon, we perceive some colors as warmer…
Color Analysis
Color analysis is a tool you can use to determine which colors flatter you most. Based on your overall appearance and particularly the coloring of your eyes, hair and skin, you will be assigned one of twelve color seasons. Each color season comes with a color palette, specifically designed to harmonise with your natural coloring.…
Fashion Season Awards
The 2024-2025 awards season is already well underway, with the Governors and the Gothams easing us into a calendar jam-packed with statues and shmoozing. Take a breath now, folks, because the new year starts with a bang: the Golden Globes on January 5 will mark the start of a two-month dash to the finish line, ending with the Oscars on March…
Fall Fashion 2025
A growing number of brands are unveiling their Fall Winter 2025 collections as the buying season is upon us. The digitisation across various sectors, such as trend forecasting, design, manufacturing, retailing and advertising, compels the fashion industry to accelerate its pace. Consequently, fashion professionals must respond quickly to remain competitive. In its commitment to offering…
How to achieve the korean skin!
Korean skincare: Korean beauty secrets for glass skin If you’re a huge fan of K-Dramas, you would have heard of and lowkey want the ‘Korean Glass Skin’. It’s the trend of flaunting flawless luminous skin. Even if you don’t follow K-Dramas or K-Pop, who doesn’t want a goddess-like impeccable porcelain skin like the K-beauties and…
We all dream of flawless, glowing skin, but with new products constantly hitting the shelves and the seemingly endless skincare advice out there on the Internet, it’s not always easy to figure out the skincare routine that’s going to work best for you. You know the basics — drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and wash your face, but what…