Color analysis is a tool you can use to determine which colors flatter you most. Based on your overall appearance and particularly the coloring of your eyes, hair and skin, you will be assigned one of twelve color seasons. Each color season comes with a color palette, specifically designed to harmonise with your natural coloring.
Have you ever noticed that certain clothing colors make you look tired and washed out, while others instantly make you look stunning? You haven’t just imagine this; there is a reason why this happens. And it has to do with color theory.
Selecting the wrong colors for your clothes can leave you looking ill or off. If you want to have a wardrobe that makes you feel great, it’s paramount to find the colors that will flatter you the most. And color analysis is a great tool to help you find them.
How colors affect appearance
In the world of aesthetics, you will find three types of color:
1) Colors that look fabulous on you
These colors bring your natural appearance to life and enhance your skin, eyes, and hair. When wearing these colors, you will find that you don’t need a lot of makeup – a fabulous color reduces imperfections such as dark circles under your eyes, lines, and discoloration while bringing out a healthy complexion. You’ll appear bright and awake.
You might have stumbled across your fabulous colors by accident when trying on clothes. They are those that you are drawn to again and again because you somehow look really good in them. But what makes a color look fabulous on you
The answer is that a color will look great on you if it shares the same color aspects (or color dimensions) with your natural coloring. You have a natural color palette that is manifested in your skin, eyes, and hair. So any color that complements these color aspects will enhance your natural coloring and make you look great.
For example, why does Gisele Bündchen look so great in the autumnal green on the left? Because her natural coloring is muted and warm just like that particular green. This color emphasises these tones in her natural coloring, which makes her look healthy and glowing.
2) Colors that look good on you – neither great nor bad
These colors don’t look bad on you, but they aren’t fabulous either. These are the colors anyone can wear because their color dimensions are fairly neutral – meaning they are neither too cool nor too warm, neither too dark nor too light, and neither too bright nor too muted.
These colors are also known as universal colors and they look okay on everyone but are not the best. You can see in the image above that the teal color doesn’t look bad on Gisele, but it doesn’t look as great as the green color. Gisele’s skin doesn’t glow as much in this image.
3) Colors that look bad or wrong on you
These colors just make you look off or sick. They can make you look drained and even highlight or create false impressions of dark circles under your eyes and blemishes. Your hair will look drab, your face will look gaunt and often give the impression of discoloration.
Why do some colors look so terrible on you? It’s because they clash with your natural color palette. Their color dimensions are too different from your own.