Skin Tints Can Be Hit or Miss—15 You’ll Be Instantly Obsessed With

In case you’ve missed it, skin tints have been experiencing a meteoric rise in popularity over the past few months. While I’ll always leave a place in my makeup bag for a mid-coverage foundation and brightening concealer, skin tints have also been making an appearance lately. In fact, my ultra-dewy base routine has expanded to include skin…

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Do You Really Need to Double Cleanse? We Asked a Dermatologist

With the ever-evolving skincare trends that are constantly circulating on social media—anyone else still slugging?—it can be hard to know what’s worth your time and what’s a gimmick. When double cleansing started to gain popularity, it sounded repetitive and unnecessary (kind of like the instructions on the back of a shampoo bottle telling you to rinse…

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